Dr. Chelsey S Koehler Dr. Chelsey S Koehler

physical therapy. Female

Dr. Chelsey S Koehler is an physical therapy specialist in Las Vegas, Nevada (NV). She specializes in Physical Therapy.

Las Fyzical Llc
3820 S Jones Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89103

General Information

Board certificationPhysical Therapy
EducationGraduated : 2012
School : Other
Group AffiliationsLas Fyzical Llc


  • 3820 S Jones Blvd
    Las Vegas, NV 89103
    (702) 818-5000
  • 7770 Dean Martin dr, Suite 307
    Las Vegas, NV 89139
    (702) 818-5000
  • 9005 S Pecos rd, Suite 2520
    Henderson, NV 89074
    (702) 818-5000

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