Dr. Rebecca R Porras Dr. Rebecca R Porras

anesthesiology. Female

Dr. Rebecca R Porras is an anesthesiology specialist in Santa fe, New Mexico (NM). She specializes in Anesthesiology.

Christus St. Vincent Medical Group
455 Saint Michaels dr
Santa fe, NM 87505

General Information

Board certificationAnesthesiology
EducationGraduated : 1993
School : Other
Group AffiliationsChristus St. Vincent Medical Group
Hospital AffiliationsChristus St Vincent Regional Medical Center


  • 1631 Hospital dr, Suite 100
    Santa fe, NM 87505
    (505) 982-7246
  • 455 Saint Michaels dr
    Santa fe, NM 87505
    (505) 988-1232

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