Dr. Shirish V Bhatt, MD Dr. Shirish V Bhatt, MD

internal medicine. Male

Dr. Shirish V Bhatt, MD is an internal medicine specialist in Fairfield, New Jersey (NJ). He graduated from Medical College Of Wisconsin in 1994 and specializes in internal medicine.

Shirish V Bhatt Md pc
271 Route 46 W, Suite H105
Fairfield, NJ 07004

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1994
School : Medical College Of Wisconsin
Group AffiliationsShirish V Bhatt Md pc
Hospital AffiliationsSaint Barnabas Medical Center


  • 271 Route 46 W, Suite H105
    Fairfield, NJ 07004
    (978) 575-8644

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