Dr. Scott L Horton, MD Dr. Scott L Horton, MD

emergency medicine. Male

Dr. Scott L Horton, MD is an emergency medicine specialist in Keene, New Hampshire (NH). He graduated from State University Of New York Health Science Center Of Syracuse in 1984 and specializes in emergency medicine.

Clearchoicemd Pllc
448 W st, Suite 4
Keene, NH 03431

General Information

Board certificationEmergency Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1984
School : State University Of New York Health Science Center Of Syracuse
Group AffiliationsClearchoicemd Pllc


  • 24 Homestead pl
    Alton, NH 03809
    (603) 822-4713
  • 448 W st, Suite 4
    Keene, NH 03431
    (603) 876-6115
  • 96 Daniel Webster Hwy
    Belmont, NH 03220
    (603) 267-0656

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