Dr. Claire High Dr. Claire  High

physician assistant. Female

Dr. Claire High is an physician assistant specialist in Valentine, Nebraska (NE). She graduated from University Of Nebraska College Of Medicine in 2014 and specializes in physician assistant.

Valentine Medical Clinic Llc
502 N Cherry st
Valentine, NE 69201

General Information

Board certificationPhysician Assistant
EducationGraduated : 2014
School : University Of Nebraska College Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsValentine Medical Clinic Llc
Hospital AffiliationsCherry County Hospital
Regional West Medical Center
Brown County Hospital


  • 502 N Cherry st
    Valentine, NE 69201
    (402) 376-2200
  • 604 W 4th st, Pineview Good Samaritan
    Valentine, NE 69201
    (402) 376-1260

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