Dr. Janet L Oberhauser, PA Dr. Janet L Oberhauser, PA

physician assistant. Female

Dr. Janet L Oberhauser, PA is an physician assistant specialist in Neligh, Nebraska (NE). She specializes in Physician Assistant.

General Information

Board certificationPhysician Assistant
EducationGraduated : 2006
School : Other
Group AffiliationsFaith Regional Physician Services Llc
Hospital AffiliationsAvera St Anthony's Hospital
Faith Regional Health Services


  • 110 N 29th st
    Norfolk, NE 68701
  • 1200 Providence rd
    Wayne, NE 68787
    (402) 375-3800
  • 1503 Main st
    Creighton, NE 68729
    (402) 358-5700
  • 2700 W Norfolk Ave
    Norfolk, NE 68701
  • 300 N 2nd st, Avera St Anthonys Hospital
    O'neill, NE 68763
    (402) 336-2611
  • 306 L st, Suite 301
    Neligh, NE 68756
    (402) 887-1313

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