Dr. Robert A Vande Guchte Dr. Robert A Vande Guchte

orthopedic surgery. Male

Dr. Robert A Vande Guchte is an orthopedic surgery specialist in Lincoln, Nebraska (NE). He specializes in Orthopedic Surgery.

Lincoln Orthopaedic Center pc
2300 S 16th st, Bryan Medical Center
Lincoln, NE 68502

General Information

Board certificationOrthopedic Surgery
EducationGraduated : 1988
School : Other
Group AffiliationsLincoln Orthopaedic Center pc
Hospital AffiliationsBryan Medical Center
Fillmore County Hospital
Memorial Health Care Systems
Columbus Community Hospital
York General Hospital


  • 1600 S 48th st, Bryan Medical Center
    Lincoln, NE 68506
    (402) 489-0200
  • 1710 S 70th st, 200 Lincoln Surgical Hospital
    Lincoln, NE 68506
    (402) 483-1550
  • 1900 F st
    Geneva, NE 68361
    (402) 759-3167
  • 223 E 14th st, Suite 250
    Hastings, NE 68901
    (402) 462-4241
  • 2300 S 16th st, Bryan Medical Center
    Lincoln, NE 68502
    (402) 475-1011
  • 4508 38th st, Suite 210
    Columbus, NE 68601
    (402) 562-4456
  • 555 S 70th st, Saint Elizabeth Regional Med Center
    Lincoln, NE 68510
    (402) 219-7700
  • 6900 A st
    Lincoln, NE 68510

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