Dr. Michael Lee Koebernick Dr. Michael Lee Koebernick

physician assistant. Male

Dr. Michael Lee Koebernick is an physician assistant specialist in Crete, Nebraska (NE). He specializes in Physician Assistant.

General Information

Board certificationPhysician Assistant
EducationGraduated : 2000
School : Other
Group AffiliationsLincoln Orthopaedic Center pc
Hospital AffiliationsMerrick Medical Center
Bryan Medical Center
Crete Area Medical Center
Lincoln Surgical Hospital


  • 1600 S 48th st, Bryan Medical Center
    Lincoln, NE 68506
    (402) 489-0200
  • 1710 S 70th st, 200 Lincoln Surgical Hospital
    Lincoln, NE 68506
    (402) 483-1550
  • 2300 S 16th st, Bryan Medical Center
    Lincoln, NE 68502
    (402) 475-1011
  • 2910 Betten dr
    Crete, NE 68333
    (402) 826-2102
  • 4508 38th st, Suite 210
    Columbus, NE 68601
    (402) 562-4456
  • 6900 A st
    Lincoln, NE 68510

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