Dr. Salman Nazir Malik, MD Dr. Salman Nazir Malik, MD

neurology. Male

Dr. Salman Nazir Malik, MD is an neurology specialist in Liberty, Missouri (MO). He specializes in Neurology.

556 Rush Creek Pkwy A
Liberty, MO 64068

General Information

Board certificationNeurology
EducationGraduated : 1987
School : Other
Hospital AffiliationsNew Liberty Hospital District
Cameron Regional Medical Center
Excelsior Springs Hospital
Northwest Medical Center


  • 1600 E Evergreen st
    Cameron, MO 64429
    (816) 632-2101
  • 1600 E Evergreen st, Crmc Renal Dialysis Unit
    Cameron, MO 64429
    (816) 649-3398
  • 1600 E Evergreen St Mp Ii B, Cameron Nephrology Clinic
    Cameron, MO 64429
    (816) 649-3398
  • 1600 E Evergreen St Mp Ii C, Cameron Medical Clinic
    Cameron, MO 64429
    (816) 632-2139
  • 1608 E Evergreen Mp I A, Westside Medical Office
    Cameron, MO 64429
    (816) 632-5424
  • 1608 E Evergreen St Mp I D, Cameron Specialists Internal Medicine
    Cameron, MO 64429
    (816) 632-3945
  • 556 Rush Creek Pkwy A
    Liberty, MO 64068

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