Dr. Steven L Hendler, MD Dr. Steven L Hendler, MD

physical medicine and rehabilitation. Male

Dr. Steven L Hendler, MD is an physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist in Independence, Missouri (MO). He graduated from University Of Southern California School Of Medicine in 1984 and specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Partners In Rehab Medicine
19600 E 39th St S
Independence, MO 64057

General Information

Board certificationPhysical Medicine And Rehabilitation
EducationGraduated : 1984
School : University Of Southern California School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsPartners In Rehab Medicine
Hospital AffiliationsCenterpoint Medical Center


  • 19600 E 39th St S
    Independence, MO 64057
    (816) 444-1777
  • 330 Arkansas st, Suite 202
    Lawrence, KS 66044
    (816) 444-1777

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