Dr. Kenneth B Hoj, MD Dr. Kenneth B Hoj, MD

neurology. Male

Dr. Kenneth B Hoj, MD is an neurology specialist in Maplewood, Minnesota (MN). He graduated from University Of Minnesota Medical School in 1983 and specializes in neurology.

Healtheast Medical Research Institute
1650 Beam Ave, Suite 200
Maplewood, MN 55109

General Information

Board certificationNeurology
EducationGraduated : 1983
School : University Of Minnesota Medical School
Group AffiliationsHealtheast Medical Research Institute
Hospital AffiliationsSt Joseph's Hospital
Healtheast St John's Hospital
Fairview Lakes Health Services
Healtheast Woodwinds Hospital
Allina United Hospital


  • 1650 Beam Ave, Suite 200
    Maplewood, MN 55109
    (651) 221-9051

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