Dr. Mary E Bray, MD Dr. Mary E Bray, MD

obstetrics/gynecology. Female

Dr. Mary E Bray, MD is an obstetrics/gynecology specialist in Duluth, Minnesota (MN). She graduated from Eastern Virginia Medical School in 1998 and specializes in obstetrics/gynecology.

The Duluth Clinic Ltd
502 E 2nd st
Duluth, MN 55805

General Information

Board certificationObstetrics/gynecology
EducationGraduated : 1998
School : Eastern Virginia Medical School
Group AffiliationsThe Duluth Clinic Ltd
Hospital AffiliationsEssentia Health Duluth
St Marys Hospital Superior


  • 400 E 3rd st
    Duluth, MN 55805
    (218) 786-8364
  • 502 E 2nd st
    Duluth, MN 55805
    (218) 786-1533
  • 530 E 2nd st
    Duluth, MN 55805
    (218) 786-5360

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