Dr. Andrew Cooperman, MD Dr. Andrew  Cooperman, MD

diagnostic radiology. Male

Dr. Andrew Cooperman, MD is an diagnostic radiology specialist in Burnsville, Minnesota (MN). He graduated from State University Of New York Health Science Center Of Syracuse in 1992 and specializes in diagnostic radiology.

Medical Scanning Consultants pa
675 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 150
Burnsville, MN 55337

General Information

Board certificationDiagnostic Radiology
EducationGraduated : 1992
School : State University Of New York Health Science Center Of Syracuse
Group AffiliationsMedical Scanning Consultants pa
Hospital AffiliationsSioux Falls Specialty Hospital
Northfield Hospital


  • 1835 County Rd C W, Suite 180
    Roseville, MN 55113
    (651) 287-4929
  • 1860 Beam Ave
    Maplewood, MN 55109
    (651) 748-8226
  • 2305 108th Lane ne
    Blaine, MN 55449
    (763) 278-4429
  • 2700 Vikings Cir, Suite 110
    Eagan, MN 55121
    (651) 306-4567
  • 3450 124th Nwave, Suite 100
    Coon Rapids, MN 55433
    (763) 433-2000
  • 5775 Wayzata Blvd, Suite 190
    Minneapolis, MN 55416
    (952) 541-1840
  • 6025 Lake rd, Suite 130
    Woodbury, MN 55125
    (651) 788-4040
  • 675 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 150
    Burnsville, MN 55337
    (952) 898-6627
  • 775 Prairie Ctr dr, Suite 260
    Eden Prairie, MN 55344
    (952) 345-3805
  • 910 Sibley Memorial Hwy
    Saint Paul, MN 55118
    (651) 455-5500
  • 9630 Grove N Cir, Suite 100
    Maple Grove, MN 55369
    (763) 416-9916

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