Dr. John J Palazzo Dr. John J Palazzo

physical therapy. Male

Dr. John J Palazzo is an physical therapy specialist in Waterford, Michigan (MI). He graduated from Ohio State University College Of Medicine in 1973 and specializes in physical therapy.

4030 W Walton Blvd, Neurolab Waterford
Waterford, MI 48329

General Information

Board certificationPhysical Therapy
EducationGraduated : 1973
School : Ohio State University College Of Medicine


  • 4030 W Walton Blvd, Neurolab Waterford
    Waterford, MI 48329
    (248) 342-9907
  • 50505 Schoenherr rd, Suite 120
    Shelby Township, MI 48315
    (248) 342-9907

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