Dr. Kelly Marie Daugherty Zielaskowski Dr. Kelly Marie Daugherty Zielaskowski

optometry. Female

Dr. Kelly Marie Daugherty Zielaskowski is an optometry specialist in Rockford, Michigan (MI). She graduated from Illinois College Of Optometry At Chicago in 2007 and specializes in optometry.

Rockford Family Eyecare Llc
2745 10 Mile Rd ne
Rockford, MI 49341

General Information

Board certificationOptometry
EducationGraduated : 2007
School : Illinois College Of Optometry At Chicago
Group AffiliationsRockford Family Eyecare Llc


  • 2745 10 Mile Rd ne
    Rockford, MI 49341
    (616) 951-7115
  • 936 W State st
    Belding, MI 48809
    (616) 794-9088

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