Dr. Rachel L Young Dr. Rachel L Young

family medicine. Female

Dr. Rachel L Young is an family medicine specialist in Ortonville, Michigan (MI). She graduated from Michigan State University College Of Osteopathic Medicine in 2015 and specializes in family medicine.

Mclaren Oakland
180 N Ortonville rd, Mc Laren Oakland
Ortonville, MI 48462

General Information

Board certificationFamily Medicine
EducationGraduated : 2015
School : Michigan State University College Of Osteopathic Medicine
Group AffiliationsMclaren Oakland
Hospital AffiliationsMclaren Oakland


  • 15959 Hall rd, Suite 104
    Macomb, MI 48044
    (586) 726-4823
  • 180 N Ortonville rd, Mc Laren Oakland
    Ortonville, MI 48462
    (248) 627-3535
  • 8180 26 Mile rd, Suite 100
    Shelby Township, MI 48316
    (586) 726-4823

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