Dr. Timothy C Kasunic, MD Dr. Timothy C Kasunic, MD

hematology/oncology. Male

Dr. Timothy C Kasunic, MD is an hematology/oncology specialist in Monroe, Michigan (MI). He graduated from Wayne State University School Of Medicine in 2000 and specializes in hematology/oncology.

Toledo Clinic Incorporated
730 N Macomb st, Suite 320
Monroe, MI 48162

General Information

Board certificationHematology/oncology
EducationGraduated : 2000
School : Wayne State University School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsToledo Clinic Incorporated
Hospital AffiliationsPromedica Toledo Hospital
St Luke's Hospital
Emma L Bixby Medical Center
Flower Hospital
Mercy St Vincent Medical Center


  • 4126 N Holland Sylvania rd
    Toledo, OH 43623
  • 4235 Secor rd
    Toledo, OH 43623
    (419) 479-5398
  • 730 N Macomb st, Suite 320
    Monroe, MI 48162
    (734) 682-5524
  • 960 W Wooster st
    Bowling Green, OH 43402

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