Dr. Wahed Ishaqsei, MD Dr. Wahed  Ishaqsei, MD

internal medicine. Male

Dr. Wahed Ishaqsei, MD is an internal medicine specialist in Madison Heights, Michigan (MI). He specializes in Internal Medicine.

Ishaqsei Md Pllc
27351 Dequindre rd
Madison Heights, MI 48071

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1998
School : Other
Group AffiliationsIshaqsei Md Pllc
Hospital AffiliationsSt John MacomB-Oakland HospitaL-Macomb Center
St John Hospital And Medical Center


  • 18263 E 10 Mile Rd C
    Roseville, MI 48066
    (586) 552-8696
  • 18285 E 10 Mile, 150 Total Wellness Gynecology
    Roseville, MI 48066
    (586) 778-1900
  • 18303 E 10 Mile rd, 500 St John Center For Wellness And Family Medicine
    Roseville, MI 48066
    (586) 498-5160
  • 25195 Kelly rd, Suite A
    Roseville, MI 48066
    (586) 775-4594
  • 27351 Dequindre rd
    Madison Heights, MI 48071
    (248) 937-7000

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