Dr. Maricarman Fuentes Dr. Maricarman  Fuentes

internal medicine. Female

Dr. Maricarman Fuentes is an internal medicine specialist in Kentwood, Michigan (MI). She specializes in Internal Medicine.

Spectrum Health Primary Care Partners
4444 Kalamazoo Se Ave, Suite 104
Kentwood, MI 49508

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1991
School : Other
Group AffiliationsSpectrum Health Primary Care Partners
Hospital AffiliationsSpectrum HealtH-Butterworth Campus
Holland Community Hospital
Spectrum Health Zeeland Community Hospital


  • 4444 Kalamazoo Se Ave, Suite 104
    Kentwood, MI 49508
    (616) 391-3302
  • 4444 Kalamazoo Seave
    Kentwood, MI 49508
    (616) 391-5600
  • 588 E Lakewood Blvd 2nd fl
    Holland, MI 49424
    (616) 267-8950

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