Dr. Larry H Wexler, DPM Dr. Larry H Wexler, DPM

podiatry. Male

Dr. Larry H Wexler, DPM is an podiatry specialist in Huntington Woods, Michigan (MI). He graduated from Ohio College Of Podiatric Medicine in 1979 and specializes in podiatry.

Robert D Adas Dpm And Larry H Wexler Dpm pc
26831 Woodward Ave
Huntington Woods, MI 48070

General Information

Board certificationPodiatry
EducationGraduated : 1979
School : Ohio College Of Podiatric Medicine
Group AffiliationsRobert D Adas Dpm And Larry H Wexler Dpm pc


  • 26831 Woodward Ave
    Huntington Woods, MI 48070
    (248) 399-5905
  • 33566 W 8 Mile rd, Suite C
    Farmington Hills, MI 48335
    (248) 476-5288

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