Dr. Andrew Robert Fras Dr. Andrew Robert Fras

orthopedic surgery. Male

Dr. Andrew Robert Fras is an orthopedic surgery specialist in Grand Rapids, Michigan (MI). He graduated from Michigan State University College Of Human Medicine in 2007 and specializes in orthopedic surgery.

Spectrum Health Primary Care Partners
100 Michigan Ave ne
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

General Information

Board certificationOrthopedic Surgery
EducationGraduated : 2007
School : Michigan State University College Of Human Medicine
Group AffiliationsSpectrum Health Primary Care Partners
Hospital AffiliationsSpectrum HealtH-Butterworth Campus


  • 100 Michigan Ave ne
    Grand Rapids, MI 49503
  • 1840 Wealthy St se, Suite 51
    Grand Rapids, MI 49506
    (616) 774-7444
  • 2332 Alpine Nw Ave
    Grand Rapids, MI 49544
    (616) 391-6236
  • 4100 Lake Dr se
    Grand Rapids, MI 49546
  • 4100 Lake Sedr, Suite 200
    Grand Rapids, MI 49546
    (616) 267-8950
  • 4444 Kalamazoo Se Ave, Suite 104
    Kentwood, MI 49508
    (616) 391-3302
  • 4444 Kalamazoo Seave
    Kentwood, MI 49508
    (616) 391-5600

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