Dr. Michael D Winkelpleck Dr. Michael D Winkelpleck

orthopedic surgery. Male

Dr. Michael D Winkelpleck is an orthopedic surgery specialist in East Lansing, Michigan (MI). He graduated from College Of Osteo Of The Pacific in 1997 and specializes in orthopedic surgery.

Michigan State University
4660 S Hagadorn rd, 500 Msu Spine And Orthopedic Center
East Lansing, MI 48823

General Information

Board certificationOrthopedic Surgery
EducationGraduated : 1997
School : College Of Osteo Of The Pacific
Group AffiliationsMichigan State University
Hospital AffiliationsMclaren Greater Lansing
Edward W Sparrow Hospital


  • 4660 S Hagadorn rd, 500 Msu Spine And Orthopedic Center
    East Lansing, MI 48823
    (517) 884-4554

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