Dr. Robert C John, DDS Dr. Robert C John, DDS

maxillofacial surgery. Male

Dr. Robert C John, DDS is an maxillofacial surgery specialist in Detroit, Michigan (MI). He specializes in Maxillofacial Surgery.

General Information

Board certificationMaxillofacial Surgery
EducationGraduated : 1995
School : Other
Group AffiliationsVhs Physicians Of Michigan
Hospital AffiliationsDetroit Receiving Hospital
St Joseph Mercy Oakland
St John Hospital And Medical Center


  • 3901 Beaubien 1st Floor
    Detroit, MI 48201
    (313) 745-5227
  • 3901 Beaubien st
    Detroit, MI 48201
  • 3901 Beaubien st, Suite 4
    Detroit, MI 48201
    (313) 745-5538
  • 3990 John R st
    Detroit, MI 48201
    (313) 745-8040
  • 3990 John R st, Suite 9362
    Detroit, MI 48201
    (313) 966-9852
  • 4201 Saint Antoine, 7b
    Detroit, MI 48201
    (313) 745-2554
  • 4201 Saint Antoine st
    Detroit, MI 48201
  • 4201 Saint Antoine Uhc
    Detroit, MI 48201

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