Dr. Lydia A Juzych Dr. Lydia A Juzych

dermatology. Female

Dr. Lydia A Juzych is an dermatology specialist in Detroit, Michigan (MI). She graduated from Wayne State University School Of Medicine in 1997 and specializes in dermatology.

Henry Ford Health System
2799 W Grand Boulevard
Detroit, MI 48202

General Information

Board certificationDermatology
EducationGraduated : 1997
School : Wayne State University School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsHenry Ford Health System
Hospital AffiliationsHenry Ford Hospital


  • 2799 W Grand Boulevard
    Detroit, MI 48202
    (313) 876-2151
  • 2825 Livernois
    Troy, MI 48083
    (248) 528-2310

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