Dr. James D Walter Dr. James D Walter

internal medicine. Male

Dr. James D Walter is an internal medicine specialist in Davison, Michigan (MI). He graduated from University Of Michigan Medical School in 1990 and specializes in internal medicine.

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1990
School : University Of Michigan Medical School
Group AffiliationsAscension Medical Group Genesys
Hospital AffiliationsGenesys Regional Medical Center - Health Park


  • 1 Genesys Pkwy
    Grand Blanc, MI 48439
    (810) 606-5000
  • 3495 S Ctr rd
    Burton, MI 48519
    (810) 424-2025
  • 8020 Davison rd
    Davison, MI 48423
  • 8020 Davison rd
    Davison, MI 48423
    (810) 653-4145

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