Dr. Brian A Borden Dr. Brian A Borden

orthopedic surgery. Male

Dr. Brian A Borden is an orthopedic surgery specialist in Chelsea, Michigan (MI). He graduated from University Of Cincinnati College Of Medicine in 1991 and specializes in orthopedic surgery.

General Information

Board certificationOrthopedic Surgery
EducationGraduated : 1991
School : University Of Cincinnati College Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsChelsea Professional Services
Hospital AffiliationsSt Joseph Mercy Hospital
St Joseph Mercy Chelsea


  • 14650 E Old Us Hwy 12 101, Chelsea Gynecology
    Chelsea, MI 48118
    (734) 475-3979
  • 1600 S Canton Ctr rd, Suite 2200
    Canton, MI 48188
    (734) 572-4500
  • 5315 Elliot dr
    Ypsilanti, MI 48197
    (734) 572-4500
  • 775 S Main st
    Chelsea, MI 48118
    (734) 593-6000

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