Dr. Michael Jonathan Slesinski Dr. Michael Jonathan Slesinski

physical medicine and rehabilitation. Male

Dr. Michael Jonathan Slesinski is an physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist in Brighton, Michigan (MI). He graduated from Lincoln Memorial University Medical Department in 2011 and specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Porretta Center For Orthopaedic Surgery pc
8273 Grand River rd, Suite 210
Brighton, MI 48114

General Information

Board certificationPhysical Medicine And Rehabilitation
EducationGraduated : 2011
School : Lincoln Memorial University Medical Department
Group AffiliationsPorretta Center For Orthopaedic Surgery pc
Hospital AffiliationsProvidence Hosp And Med Ctrs


  • 8273 Grand River rd, Suite 210
    Brighton, MI 48114
    (866) 974-2673

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