Dr. Ioana Antonescu Dr. Ioana  Antonescu

general surgery, Vascular Surgery. Female

Dr. Ioana Antonescu is an general surgery specialist in Battle Creek, Michigan (MI). She specializes in General Surgery.

Bronson Battle Creek Hospital
363 Fremont st, Suite 101
Battle Creek, MI 49017

General Information

Board certificationGeneral Surgery
Vascular Surgery
EducationGraduated : 2010
School : Other
Group AffiliationsBronson Battle Creek Hospital
Hospital AffiliationsBronson Methodist Hospital
Bronson Battle Creek Hospital


  • 363 Fremont st, Suite 101
    Battle Creek, MI 49017
    (269) 245-8350
  • 601 John st, Suite 460
    Kalamazoo, MI 49007
    (269) 341-7333

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