Michelle M Hyzer Michelle M Hyzer

clinical social worker. Female

Michelle M Hyzer is an clinical social worker specialist in Bad Axe, Michigan (MI). She specializes in Clinical Social Worker.

Lakeshore Therapy Pllc
1115 S Van Dyke rd, 1 Bad Axe Office
Bad Axe, MI 48413

General Information

Board certificationClinical Social Worker
EducationGraduated : 2000
School : Other
Group AffiliationsLakeshore Therapy Pllc


  • 1115 S Van Dyke rd, 1 Bad Axe Office
    Bad Axe, MI 48413
    (810) 689-4846
  • 51 Austin st
    Sandusky, MI 48471
    (810) 689-4846

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