Dr. Melody A Garrett, MD Dr. Melody A Garrett, MD

anesthesiology. Female

Dr. Melody A Garrett, MD is an anesthesiology specialist in Glenn Dale, Maryland (MD). She graduated from Georgetown University Of Medicine in 1982 and specializes in anesthesiology.

Safe Sedation Pllc
12200 Annapolis rd, Suite 220
Glenn Dale, MD 20769

General Information

Board certificationAnesthesiology
EducationGraduated : 1982
School : Georgetown University Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsSafe Sedation Pllc


  • 11711 Livingston rd
    Fort Washington, MD 20744
    (301) 203-2599
  • 11711 Livingston rd, Suite Ll4
    Fort Washington, MD 20744
    (301) 292-2000
  • 12200 Annapolis rd, Suite 220
    Glenn Dale, MD 20769
    (301) 809-0383

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