Dr. Michael Travis Dr. Michael  Travis

orthopedic surgery. Male

Dr. Michael Travis is an orthopedic surgery specialist in Frederick, Maryland (MD). He specializes in Orthopedic Surgery.

Centers For Advanced Orthopaedics Llc
86 Thomas Johnson ct
Frederick, MD 21702

General Information

Board certificationOrthopedic Surgery
EducationGraduated : 1986
School : Other
Group AffiliationsCenters For Advanced Orthopaedics Llc
Hospital AffiliationsMedstar Saint Mary's Hospital


  • 10710 Charter dr, Suite 300
    Columbia, MD 21044
    (410) 644-1880
  • 23000 Moakley st, Suite 102
    Leonardtown, MD 20650
    (301) 475-5555
  • 4225 Altamont pl, Suite 101
    White Plains, MD 20695
    (301) 645-0013
  • 86 Thomas Johnson ct
    Frederick, MD 21702
    (301) 694-8311

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