Dr. Glynn M Wells Dr. Glynn M Wells

general practice. Male

Dr. Glynn M Wells is an general practice specialist in Bowie, Maryland (MD). He graduated from University Of Maryland School Of Medicine in 1972 and specializes in general practice.

Mnr Industries Llc
6000 Laurel Bowie rd
Bowie, MD 20715

General Information

Board certificationGeneral Practice
EducationGraduated : 1972
School : University Of Maryland School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsMnr Industries Llc


  • 1505 E Churchville rd, Expresscare Of Bel Air
    Bel Air, MD 21014
    (410) 420-6970
  • 504 E Ridgeville Blvd, A
    Mount Airy, MD 21771
    (301) 703-5452
  • 6000 Laurel Bowie rd
    Bowie, MD 20715
    (301) 383-0330

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