Dr. Serena M Liebengood Dr. Serena M Liebengood

diagnostic radiology. Female

Dr. Serena M Liebengood is an diagnostic radiology specialist in Bethesda, Maryland (MD). She graduated from UmdnJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in 2005 and specializes in diagnostic radiology.

Johns Hopkins University
8600 Old Georgetown rd
Bethesda, MD 20814

General Information

Board certificationDiagnostic Radiology
EducationGraduated : 2005
School : UmdnJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Group AffiliationsJohns Hopkins University
Hospital AffiliationsSibley Memorial Hospital
Suburban Hospital


  • 5255 Loughboro Road nw, Sibley Memorial Hospital
    Washington, DC 20016
    (202) 660-6500
  • 600 N Wolfe st
    Baltimore, MD 21287
    (410) 955-5000
  • 6420 Rockledge dr
    Bethesda, MD 20817
    (301) 896-6717
  • 8600 Old Georgetown rd
    Bethesda, MD 20814
    (301) 896-3939

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