Dr. Sami H Erbay, MD Dr. Sami H Erbay, MD

diagnostic radiology. Male

Dr. Sami H Erbay, MD is an diagnostic radiology specialist in Worcester, Massachusetts (MA). He specializes in Diagnostic Radiology.

General Information

Board certificationDiagnostic Radiology
EducationGraduated : 1988
School : Other
Group AffiliationsUmass Memorial Radiology Phys Serv
Hospital AffiliationsUpmc Presbyterian Shadyside
Upmc Mercy
Umass Memorial Medical Center/university Campus
Magee Womens Hospital Of Upmc Health System
Upmc Bedford Memorial


  • 1400 Locust st
    Pittsburgh, PA 15219
  • 200 Lothrop st
    Pittsburgh, PA 15213
  • 300 Halket st
    Pittsburgh, PA 15213
  • 3471 5th Ave
    Pittsburgh, PA 15213
  • 5230 Centre Ave
    Pittsburgh, PA 15232
  • 5230 Centre Ave, Suite 509
    Pittsburgh, PA 15232
    (412) 623-2458
  • 55 Lake Ave N
    Worcester, MA 01655
    (508) 856-5381

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