Dr. Kathryn A Hughes, MD Dr. Kathryn A Hughes, MD

general surgery. Female

Dr. Kathryn A Hughes, MD is an general surgery specialist in Falmouth, Massachusetts (MA). She graduated from George Washington University School Of Medicine in 1989 and specializes in general surgery.

General Information

Board certificationGeneral Surgery
EducationGraduated : 1989
School : George Washington University School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsPhysicians Of Falmouth Hospital
Hospital AffiliationsFalmouth Hospital


  • 100 Ter Heun dr
    Falmouth, MA 02540
    (508) 771-1800
  • 184 Ter Heun dr
    Falmouth, MA 02540
    (508) 457-4621
  • 39 Edgerton dr, Falmouth Hospital Pain Center
    North Falmouth, MA 02556
    (508) 563-3925

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