Dr. Catherine Palmietto Dr. Catherine  Palmietto

audiology. Female

Dr. Catherine Palmietto is an audiology specialist in Shawnee Mission, Kansas (KS). She specializes in Audiology.

Midwest Medical Specialists pa
8901 W 74th st, Georgetown Medical Bldg Suite 145
Shawnee Mission, KS 66204

General Information

Board certificationAudiology
EducationGraduated : 2017
School : Other
Group AffiliationsMidwest Medical Specialists pa


  • 5330 N Oak Trfwy 201
    Kansas City, MO 64118
    (816) 454-0666
  • 8901 W 74th st, Georgetown Medical Bldg Suite 145
    Shawnee Mission, KS 66204
    (913) 722-0020

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