Dr. Andrea M Ely, MD Dr. Andrea M Ely, MD

internal medicine. Female

Dr. Andrea M Ely, MD is an internal medicine specialist in Overland Park, Kansas (KS). She graduated from New York Medical College in 1997 and specializes in internal medicine.

Inpatient Consultants Of Kansas pa
10500 Quivira rd
Overland Park, KS 66215

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1997
School : New York Medical College
Group AffiliationsInpatient Consultants Of Kansas pa
Hospital AffiliationsShawnee Mission Medical Center
Olathe Medical Center
Providence Medical Center
Menorah Medical Center
Saint Luke's South Hospital


  • 10500 Quivira rd
    Overland Park, KS 66215
    (913) 541-5000
  • 5555 W 58th st
    Mission, KS 66202
    (913) 432-2080

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