James A Yager James A Yager

chiropractic. Male

James A Yager is an chiropractic specialist in Garden City, Kansas (KS). He specializes in Chiropractic.

Prohealth Chiropractic Wellness Centers pa
2502 N Johns St B, Prohealth Chiropractic Wellness Centers
Garden City, KS 67846

General Information

Board certificationChiropractic
EducationGraduated : 1999
School : Other
Group AffiliationsProhealth Chiropractic Wellness Centers pa


  • 110 W 4th st, Prohealth Chiropractic Wellness Centers
    Scott City, KS 67871
    (620) 872-2310
  • 2502 N Johns St B, Prohealth Chiropractic Wellness Centers
    Garden City, KS 67846
    (620) 271-0243

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