Dr. Tiffany Truong Koch Dr. Tiffany Truong Koch

podiatry. Female

Dr. Tiffany Truong Koch is an podiatry specialist in Indianapolis, Indiana (IN). She specializes in Podiatry.

Baker Foot Solutions Corp
7330 E 82nd St A, North Foot And Ankle Center
Indianapolis, IN 46256

General Information

Board certificationPodiatry
EducationGraduated : 2014
School : Other
Group AffiliationsBaker Foot Solutions Corp
Hospital AffiliationsCommunity Hospital East
Community Hospital North
Community Hospital Of Anderson And Madison County


  • 1622 N Madison Ave, Community Foot And Ankle Center
    Anderson, IN 46011
    (765) 641-0001
  • 7330 E 82nd St A, North Foot And Ankle Center
    Indianapolis, IN 46256
    (317) 712-3708

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