Dr. Elia Hoekstra, PA Dr. Elia  Hoekstra, PA

physician assistant. Female

Dr. Elia Hoekstra, PA is an physician assistant specialist in Fort Wayne, Indiana (IN). She specializes in Physician Assistant.

Parkview Health System Inc
2710 Lake Ave
Fort Wayne, IN 46805

General Information

Board certificationPhysician Assistant
EducationGraduated : 2006
School : Other
Group AffiliationsParkview Health System Inc
Hospital AffiliationsParkview Whitley Hospital
Parkview Regional Medical Center


  • 104 Nicholas pl, Parkview Phys Grp
    Avilla, IN 46710
    (260) 897-3308
  • 2710 Lake Ave
    Fort Wayne, IN 46805
    (260) 373-8070
  • 4084 N Us Hwy 33
    Churubusco, IN 46723

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