Dr. Runali S Shah Dr. Runali S Shah

physical therapy. Female

Dr. Runali S Shah is an physical therapy specialist in Wheaton, Illinois (IL). She specializes in Physical Therapy.

Wheaton Medical sc
1751 S Naperville rd, Suite 107
Wheaton, IL 60189

General Information

Board certificationPhysical Therapy
EducationGraduated : 2011
School : Other
Group AffiliationsWheaton Medical sc


  • 1751 S Naperville rd, Suite 107
    Wheaton, IL 60189
    (630) 682-9700
  • 3115 N Wilke rd, Suite A And B
    Arlington Heights, IL 60004
    (224) 795-5700
  • 545 Belmont ln
    Carol Stream, IL 60188
    (630) 510-1515

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