Dr. Nabih Ramadan, MD Dr. Nabih  Ramadan, MD

neurology. Male

Dr. Nabih Ramadan, MD is an neurology specialist in Urbana, Illinois (IL). He specializes in Neurology.

General Information

Board certificationNeurology
EducationGraduated : 1985
School : Other
Group AffiliationsCarle Health Care Incorporated
Hospital AffiliationsThe Carle Foundation Hospital
Advocate Trinity Hospital
Mercy Hospital Springfield


  • 1235 E Cherokee st, Mercy Sleep Center Springfield
    Springfield, MO 65804
    (417) 820-5467
  • 214 Mchenry rd
    Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
    (847) 459-1160
  • 2320 E 93rd st
    Chicago, IL 60617
    (773) 967-4130
  • 2320 E 93rd st, Trinity Hospital
    Chicago, IL 60617
    (773) 967-2000
  • 611 W Park st
    Urbana, IL 61801
    (888) 712-2753

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