Dr. William M Zander Dr. William M Zander

emergency medicine. Male

Dr. William M Zander is an emergency medicine specialist in Sycamore, Illinois (IL). He graduated from Chicago College Of Osteopathic Medicine in 1990 and specializes in emergency medicine.

General Information

Board certificationEmergency Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1990
School : Chicago College Of Osteopathic Medicine
Group AffiliationsPhysicians Immediate Care Ltd.


  • 10343 Indianapolis Blvd, Suite 104
    Highland, IN 46322
    (219) 513-4258
  • 2496 Dekalb Ave
    Sycamore, IL 60178
    (815) 754-1122
  • 2853 Kirk rd
    Aurora, IL 60502
    (630) 423-3030
  • 4211 N Cicero Ave
    Chicago, IL 60641
    (773) 794-1000
  • 6595 E State st
    Rockford, IL 61108
    (815) 226-1300

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