Dr. Asha Thomas, MD Dr. Asha  Thomas, MD

internal medicine. Female

Dr. Asha Thomas, MD is an internal medicine specialist in Rockford, Illinois (IL). She specializes in Internal Medicine.

Rockford Health Physician
2400 N Rockton Ave
Rockford, IL 61103

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1989
School : Other
Group AffiliationsRockford Health Physician
Hospital AffiliationsRockford Memorial Hospital
Adventist La Grange Memorial Hospital
Hinsdale Hospital
Jps Health Network
Fhn Memorial Hospital


  • 2205 Enterprise dr, Suite 520
    Westchester, IL 60154
  • 2400 N Rockton Ave
    Rockford, IL 61103
    (815) 971-5000

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