Dr. Marcy P Zirlin, MD Dr. Marcy P Zirlin, MD

emergency medicine. Female

Dr. Marcy P Zirlin, MD is an emergency medicine specialist in Deerfield, Illinois (IL). She graduated from Chicago College Of Medicine And Surgery in 2003 and specializes in emergency medicine.

General Information

Board certificationEmergency Medicine
EducationGraduated : 2003
School : Chicago College Of Medicine And Surgery
Group AffiliationsNorthwestern Medical Faculty Foundation
Hospital AffiliationsNorthwestern Lake Forest Hospital
Northwestern Memorial Hospital


  • 1000 N Westmoreland rd, Pavillion B 3rd fl
    Lake Forest, IL 60045
    (847) 535-8500
  • 1000 Westmoreland rd
    Lake Forest, IL 60045
    (847) 234-5600
  • 1333 W Belmont Ave
    Chicago, IL 60657
    (312) 926-6146
  • 2701 Patriot Blvd
    Glenview, IL 60026
    (847) 724-4536
  • 2701 Patriot Blvd, Suite 200
    Glenview, IL 60026
    (312) 926-6146
  • 350 S Waukegan, Suite 150
    Deerfield, IL 60015
    (312) 926-3107
  • 350 S Waukegan rd
    Deerfield, IL 60015
    (312) 926-6146
  • 635 N Dearborn st
    Chicago, IL 60654
    (312) 926-0404
  • 660 N Westmoreland rd
    Lake Forest, IL 60045
    (847) 234-5600
  • 675 N St Clair
    Chicago, IL 60611

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