Kelly S Rasmussen Kelly S Rasmussen

nurse practitioner. Female

Kelly S Rasmussen is an nurse practitioner specialist in Byron, Illinois (IL). She specializes in Nurse Practitioner.

Swedish American Hospital
230 W Blackhawk dr, Sa Byron
Byron, IL 61010

General Information

Board certificationNurse Practitioner
EducationGraduated : 2010
School : Other
Group AffiliationsSwedish American Hospital
Hospital AffiliationsSwedish American Hospital


  • 1340 Charles st
    Rockford, IL 61104
  • 1401 E State st
    Rockford, IL 61104
    (815) 489-4400
  • 230 W Blackhawk dr, Sa Byron
    Byron, IL 61010
    (779) 696-1300
  • 380 E Il Route 38, Sa Rochelle
    Rochelle, IL 61068
    (779) 696-9050
  • 6824 Newburg rd, Sa Valley
    Rockford, IL 61108
    (779) 696-7610

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