Matthew J Hines Matthew J Hines

nurse practitioner. Male

Matthew J Hines is an nurse practitioner specialist in Washington, Iowa (IA). He specializes in Nurse Practitioner.

Washington County Hospital
400 E Polk st
Washington, IA 52353

General Information

Board certificationNurse Practitioner
EducationGraduated : 2018
School : Other
Group AffiliationsWashington County Hospital
Hospital AffiliationsUniversity Of Iowa Hospital & Clinics
Washington County Hospital And Clinics


  • 200 Hawkins dr
    Iowa City, IA 52242
    (319) 356-1616
  • 400 E Polk st
    Washington, IA 52353
    (319) 653-5481
  • 400 E Polk st, Neurology Clinic
    Washington, IA 52353
    (319) 863-2048
  • 418 E Polk st
    Washington, IA 52353
  • 418 E Polk st, Womens Hlthcare Of wa
    Washington, IA 52353
    (319) 653-2229

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