Dr. Martin R Velez, DDS Dr. Martin R Velez, DDS

oral surgery. Male

Dr. Martin R Velez, DDS is an oral surgery specialist in Roswell, Georgia (GA). He specializes in Oral Surgery.

Atlanta Oral And Facial Surgery Llc
1792 Woodstock rd, Bldg 300
Roswell, GA 30075

General Information

Board certificationOral Surgery
EducationGraduated : 1989
School : Other
Group AffiliationsAtlanta Oral And Facial Surgery Llc
Hospital AffiliationsDekalb Medical Center


  • 1000 Johnson Ferry Rd H
    Marietta, GA 30068
    (770) 977-0364
  • 1792 Woodstock rd, Bldg 300
    Roswell, GA 30075
    (678) 672-1440
  • 3400 Old Milton Pkwy, C525
    Alpharetta, GA 30005
    (770) 475-3190
  • 4749 Nelson Brogdon Blvd, Bldg 200 Suite 2
    Sugar Hill, GA 30518
    (770) 932-7726

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