Dr. Augustine H Conduah, MD Dr. Augustine H Conduah, MD

orthopedic surgery. Male

Dr. Augustine H Conduah, MD is an orthopedic surgery specialist in Decatur, Georgia (GA). He specializes in Orthopedic Surgery.

General Information

Board certificationOrthopedic Surgery
EducationGraduated : 2002
School : Other
Group AffiliationsDekalb Medical Specialty Care Group Llc
Hospital AffiliationsDekalb Medical Center At Hillandale
Dekalb Medical Center


  • 2701 N Decatur rd
    Decatur, GA 30033
    (404) 501-1000
  • 2701 N Decatur rd, Suite 850
    Decatur, GA 30033
    (404) 501-1790
  • 2801 Dekalb Medical Pkwy, Rm 1209
    Lithonia, GA 30058
    (404) 501-1790
  • 8225 Mall Pkwy, Suite 150
    Lithonia, GA 30038
    (770) 482-3241

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