Dr. Jeffrey M Scott, MD Dr. Jeffrey M Scott, MD

emergency medicine. Male

Dr. Jeffrey M Scott, MD is an emergency medicine specialist in Palmetto Bay, Florida (FL). He specializes in Emergency Medicine.

General Information

Board certificationEmergency Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1998
School : Other
Group AffiliationsPublic Health Trust Of Dade County Florida
Hospital AffiliationsJackson Health System


  • 1611 Nw 12 Ave
    Miami, FL 33136
    (305) 585-6487
  • 1611 Nw 12 Ave
    Miami, FL 33136
    (305) 585-7110
  • 1611 Nw 12 Ave, Central Bldg 4th Floor
    Miami, FL 33136
    (305) 585-6664
  • 4300 Alton rd
    Miami Beach, FL 33140
    (305) 243-3045
  • 9333 Sw 152 st
    Palmetto Bay, FL 33157
    (305) 251-2500

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